2021 Working Well Breakfast
June 3, 2021
FSU Turnbull Conference Center
555 W Pensacola St, Tallahassee, FL
Program: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Working Well has always kicked off the new year with this Breakfast, however COVID did not allow for that this year. We have moved the event to the beginning of June and will be following CDC guidelines to try and make it as safe as possible, which includes but is not limited to, lowering the number of attendees so we can stay socially distanced. The event will have a virtual option via live-stream to make it possible for more people to hear our speaker and his important topic, and to accommodate folks who are not ready to attend in-person events.
After the last mentally and emotionally draining year, the Working Well Board wanted to lighten up the Breakfast this year. We chose Charles Marshall, a comedian and motivational speaker, to entertain and educate us with his presentation “Take Two Chuckles and Call Me in the Morning: Creating a Culture of Levity in the Workplace.” We think it will hit the right note for our audience now.
Keynote Speaker: Charles Marshall

Take Two Chuckles and Call me in the Morning: Creating a Culture of Levity in the Workplace
In this upbeat, laugh-out-loud presentation, Charles delivers a heavy dose of humor as he talks about the importance of injecting levity into your workplace. Laughter is a crucial part of the corporate environment yet is often overlooked to the detriment of most organizations.
Imagine an office that people love to come to each day. Adding levity is the secret weapon in creating a fun culture to which people want to belong. Laughter is a crucial part of life and one of our best defenses again pain, trial, and disappointment. It stands to reason that it should be a key part of the workplace as well.
Charles will give us ideas about:
- Ways to transform a stagnate, sterile workplace into a fun environment
- How to use humor as a powerful tool in capturing and holding people’s attention
- Harnessing humor as a catalyst in creativity, relaxation, and better job performance
The Star Awards: Recognition, Innovation & Inspiration
The Star Awards allows Working Well to celebrate our community organizations that put employee well-being first! These awards honor organizations who:
- Initiate, as well as maintain employee wellness programs
- Think outside the box and use innovative activities to motivate their employees
- Recognize and award an individual employee who has inspired others to live healthier lives.
We encourage any organization with a wellness program to apply. Many will be recognized for establishing Employee Well-being Programs through this application, one company will be recognized for its outstanding innovation and one individual employee will be recognized for inspiring fellow employees by significantly changing lifestyle habits. You may nominate as many employees as you believe might be worthy of this recognition.
Learn more about the Star Awards and submitting an application!
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

Breakfast Sponsor

Community Education Sponsor

Star Awards Sponsor

Community Health Advocate

Greeter Sponsor